The main aim set and pursued by Pueri Cantores (“Singing Children”) is education of young people through Christian values and sacred music.
In Art. 5 of the Statutes the aims of Pueri Cantores have been explicitly stated as:
1. Promoting among the Pueri Cantores, with their own participation, liturgical music, from Gregorian chant to classical and modern polyphony and contemporary music, composed according to the ecclesiastical prescriptions of each culture;
2. Promoting works of quality so that it may be possible to cultivate and form the directors and the Pueri Cantores from the spiritual, intellectual, musical and aesthetic points of view;
3. Leading all the members of the Federation, regardless of nationality, towards brotherly understanding, founded on and bound together by sincere friendship and mutual assistance, in order to help build a new world: “All the children of the world will sing the Peace of God” (Mgr. Maillet).
International Congresses of Pueri Cantores are held every two years. They are a time of unity and strengthening of unanimity of ideals. International congresses create opportunities for meetings of young choristers from all around the world and establishing new contacts which results in mutual exchanges.