Charter of Protection

Charter of Protection

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The Charter of Protection of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores (FIPC) aims to build a safe and secure environment for the children and youths within the community of Pueri Cantores. It is a means to prevent any form of inappropriate behavior by any member of FIPC.

Even though the primary responsability to do this lies with individual member federations and choirs, FIPC is keen to ensure that all its members, especially its leaders, should be aware of this important responsibility. FIPC expects that all current and future national federations will use this Charter to issue individual national charters addressing the needs of their own region on this important matter. When requested, FIPC commits to assisting national federations in drawing up their charter.

When hosting a festival, whether international, national or regional, every organizing committee issues guidelines for the protection of all those participating, particularly the care of minors and those traveling away from home.

FIPC pledges to work with parents, faith communities, choral directors, musical staff and educators to build and maintain an environment where all members can participate in choral singing and events safely and with joy.