A worldwide community of young singers

United in peace and in faith

Singing to praise the Lord

Pueri Cantores

a worldwide community of young singers united in peace and in faith

About Pueri Cantores

Founded in 1944, the international federation of children’s and youth choirs grew up to more than 40.000 singers.

International Congresses

Each year the community of Pueri Cantores meets in a different city for an international choir congress.

Federations of Pueri Cantores

Pueri Cantores reaches all around the world with more than 43 national and regional federations or correspondents.

Letters to the Community

The community of Pueri Cantores is united by mutual aims and ideals, supported by our letters to the community.


Newsletter February 2025

You can view the Newsletter of the International Federation here.Image: Walk of peace of Pueri Cantores in Goma, DR Congo, 2022.

Introducing: Pueri Cantores Hungary

In August 2024 the FIPC welcomed a newly founded federation of Pueri Cantores Hungary: Pueri Cantores Magyar Szövetség. Since then, the federation has established structures and elected an executive board of active members. To learn more about the people and the...

Vade Mecum for choir directors

As choir directors have a very broad range of responsibilities, a variety of skills is necessary to both lead the choir community as well as the musical activities in a beneficial way and faith-inspired way. For this purpose, the FIPC Council of Administration led by...

Newsletter January 2025

You can view the Newsletter of the International Federation here.Image: General Assembly of Pueri Cantores France in Paris.

Looking back at the International Congress in Rome 2023/24

After 5 days of prayer and singing together, 3,700 young singers returned home filled with impressive moments. Almost 100 choirs from 20 countries took part in the PUERI CANTORES international choir festival in Rome over the turn of the year 2023/24. Due to the...

Contact us

Get in touch with Pueri Cantores International or find us in your own country