LETTERS for the Community

Letter on the war in Ukraine
by Fr. James Conlon, Member of the Committee for Spirituality

Letter on the war in Ukraine
Brief zum Krieg in der Ukraine
Lettre sur la guerre en Ukraine
Lettera sobre la guerra in Ucraina

Letter for Easter 2020
by Fr. Wiesław Hudek, Ecclesiastical Assistant

Letter for Easter 2020
Brief zu Ostern 2020
Lettre pour Pâques 2020
Lettera per Pasqua 2020
List wielkanocny 2020

Letter to the national federations 2020
by Francis D’Almeida, Secretary General of Pueri Cantores Sri Lanka

Letter to the national federations
Brief an die nationalen Verbände
Lettre aux fédérations nationales
Carta a las federaciones nacionalas

Letter on the 11th anniversary of John Paull II’s departure to the House of Father 2016
by Robert Tyrala, President

Letter on the 11th anniversary of death
Brief zum 11. Todestag
Lettre sur le 11e anniversaire de la mort
Lettera nell’ XI anniversario della morte